Projects involved in
Internationally funded projects

Hidden Hydro Oscillating Power for Europe (H-HOPE) is an EU H2020 project which kicked off in November 2022 with the objective to demonstrate and develop a sustainable and innovative energy harvesting system capable of recover hidden hydro energy from existing piping systems, open streams and open channels. The consortium comprises 13 academic institutions, research centres and water supply companies from all over the European union to test and validate the technology in real operating conditions reproduced in laboratories.
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Active Flow Control system FOR improving HYDRaulic turbine performances at off-design Operation (AFC4Hydro) is an EU H2020 project lead by the Barcelona Fluids and Energy Lab which kicked off in June 2019 and ended in November 2023. The consortium comprises Lulea Technical University (SE), Vattenfall (SE), Statkraft (NO) and FDB (NO). The objective was to develop, test and validate a new active flow control system for hydraulic turbines working at off-design conditions.
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Advanced Grid Interfaces for innovative STorage INtegration (AGISTIN) is a HORIZON EUROPE 2021-2027 project which kicked off in January 2023 with the objective to design advanced grid interface for energy storage solutions that minimise the impact of new, large demands on the grid and reduce costs for large grid users through innovative storage integration. The project will carry out two demonstrations and three test activities on renewable hydrogen electrolysis, irrigation pumping and fast electric vehicle charging. The innovative storage technologies include aqueous electrochemical recuperators, irrigation systems and aluminium ion batteries.
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Nationally funded projects

The Barcelona Fluids & Energy Lab is participating in the national research project MATH under the leadership of the company AEE in collaboration with the Leitat Technological Center and the DYNSYST company. This project is supported by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and its aim is to develop, implement and test an innovative maintenance system for mini hydro based on artificial intelligence.

This project nationally funded kicked off in January 2022 and stands for Manufacture, automation and integration of vanadium redox flow batteries in renewable energy systems. Its objective is the optimization of the design and operation of redox flow batteries (RFB), in particular those of vanadium chemistry (VRFB). Due to their characteristics, this type of energy storage devices can contribute significantly to the generalization of the use of renewable energy sources. Among its main advantages we have the flexibility in the design, which allows decoupling the power from the stored energy; a long service life of more than 10,000 cycles; the possibility of carrying out full charge and discharge cycles; and the regeneration of electrolytes due to loss of efficiency due to cross contamination or after their useful lifes.
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Private sector projects

Industrie Cartarie Tronchetti, Spain
Measurement, diagnostics and repair of a tissue paper machine with problems of marks at the Yankee.
More info: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2012.02.003

Inovyn, Spain
Managing the vibrations predictive maintenance of turbocompressors, pumps, steam turbines... since 1998.
More info:

Aigües de Barcelona, Spain
The Barcelona Fluids & Energy Lab has assessed the potential and feasibility of several commercial condition monitoring systems to apply autonomous machine learning to pumping stations. This project has been carried out in collaboration with the spanish Centro Tecnológico del Agua (CETAQUA) and Aigües de Barcelona that supplies the drinking water to the citizens of Barcelona.
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Solvay Polymers, Italy
Study of the vibrational behaviour of ethylene compressor pipe lines.
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Schaeffler Iberia, Spain
R+D project to improve the current predictive maintenance strategy in the wind power field.
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Renolit, Spain
Managing the vibrations predictive maintenance of plastic rollers, gearboxes and extruders since 2007.
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