
28/03/23. Students visit from NTNU university 

On Tuesday 28th of March 2023, a group of 25 bachelor students of Hydraulic and Environmental engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) visited the Barcelona Fluids & Energy Lab (IFLUIDs) at UPC in Spain. The director of the IFLUIDs research group, Prof. Xavier Escaler, gave them a lecture on the H2020 European projects where the IFLUIDs group is involved in, which are the AFC4Hydro and the H-HOPE. Then, the IFLUIDs researchers working in both projects, David Bermejo and Xavier Sánchez, showed them the facilities and some test rigs that are available at the laboratory to give them some insights of the work they are carrying out. Additionally, an instrumented cavitation tunnel devoted to study the effects of hydrodynamic cavitation on heat generation as well as the detection of cavitation erosion through acoustic emissions was also presented to them. 

22/03/23. Introductory video of H-HOPE project to celebrate World Water Day 

In order to celebrate the World Water Day 2023, an introductory video of the European H2020 project H-HOPE has been shared to inspire the development of technology that will help us to better manage our water systems efficiently and in a cost effective manner. Find the video in the following LinkedIn post. 









01/11/22. IFLUIDs group starts a new EU H2020 project: H-HOPE 

The Barcelona Fluids & Energy Lab participates in the European H2020 project H-HOPE leading a Work Package devoted to assist the operators of water transport systems to identify potential pilot sites based on the analysis of the collected data from their networks. 



11/10/21. Starting of the testing campaign at Vattenfall R&D lab for AFC4Hydro project 




The Barcelona Fluids & Energy lab started a 2 weeks test campaign in the Vattenfall R&D lab in Sweden to test their Structural Health Monitoring approach for AFC4Hydro project. Also, together with a group of LTU and FDB, they will try the flow control concept.









28/05/21. AFC4Hydro presentation on the EU Greenweek. 



The Barcelona Fluids & Energy lab presented AFC4Hydro project in the EU Greenweek event called "European hydropower is important for the green deal". Xavier Escaler acting as Coordinator of the project gave an online talk together with other coordinators of hydropower projects. See the video.






01/06/19. IFLUIDs group coordinates an EU H2020 project: AFC4Hydro. 



The Barcelona Fluids & Energy lab coordinates the European H2020 project AFC4Hydro. An international consortium including VattenfallStatkraftFDB and LTU will implement an active flow control system for hydraulic turbines.





On Tuesday 28th of March 2023, a group of 25 bachelor students of Hydraulic and Environmental engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) visited the Barcelona Fluids & Energy Lab (IFLUIDs) at UPC in Spain. The director of the IFLUIDs research group, Prof. Xavier Escaler, gave them a lecture on the H2020 European projects where the IFLUIDs group is involved in, which are the AFC4Hydro and the H-HOPE. Then, the IFLUIDs researchers working in both projects, David Bermejo and Xavier Sánchez, showed them the facilities and some test rigs that are available at the laboratory to give them some insights of the work they are carrying out. Additionally, an instrumented cavitation tunnel devoted to study the effects of hydrodynamic cavitation on heat generation as well as the detection of cavitation erosion through acoustic emissions was also presented to th